I do love a new year - it feels like a fresh start and a great excuse to take a look at your life and what you are happy with and what you would change if you could. I like to have goals so here's mine for 2015.
Move House
As much as I love our house we have really outgrown it. I hope that we can sell ours this year and manage to get a bigger mortgage for a new property, hopefully within walking distance of the girl's school too.
Lose the baby weight
I'd like to lose at least a stone, possibly more.
Improve my photography
I've asked my lovely hubby for my very own 'big camera' for my birthday in two weeks. I'd love to learn more about photography and take some really great photos of my family.
Blog more
I have to say this here don't I?! In all seriousness, because I'm unlikely to set my business up properly for a while, I'd like to focus more on my blog in 2015. Recording memories and keeping myself sane by having something that is 'mine' if that makes sense.
So that's it. Simple enough goals so fingers crossed I'll keep these resolutions! Do you make new year's resolutions?
Suzical says
Blog more is always my new resolution, it never lasts!
This year a friend bought me a lovely diary and I'm using it to write to do lists for my week, trying to be more organised..