Last week Little Miss J turned 5 years old! She is still at that magical age where she believes that she has grown a couple of inches and gained some new abilities overnight as she turned 5 but I have to agree with her a little! She does look bigger, older, more grown up. Seemingly overnight! It is a scary business this growing up!
She had a little party with some school friends the weekend before which was lovely. She has such a lovely class of friends and it is always nice to see them play together. It was a Star Wars and Princess themed party as that was what she wanted!!
Of course her birthday came at a time when we were moving house, everything was preparing to be packed but we wanted to give her a special day so we headed off to Bristol Zoo. The weather was cold but lovely and we had a great day even though it was really busy there as it was half term. We even bumped into one of our favourite bloggers Cardiff Mummy Says!
On the way home we stopped for dinner in Pizza Hut which was yummy and although we got home late we had just enough time to sing happy birthday and blow the candles out on her creme egg birthday cake! We had a lovely little day and it was nice to have some time off before the big move!
I made a little vlog of the day which is now on my YouTube channel if you'd like to see what we got up to!
Elanor says
Kids birthdays are great, I especially love the pink Darth Vader cake! ๐
Ickle Pickle says
Oh Happy Birthday! Love the Star Wars cake! I haven't been to Bristol Zoo since I was a child. Pickle would love it. Kaz x
Sarah Bailey says
Aww Happy Birthday - what an awesome looking day it seems like you had. Bristol Zoo sounds such fun! x
Jenny says
That Star Wars cake is amazing, I love it!
Katie @mummydaddyme says
Oh bless her, happy belated birthday to her. I love her Star Wars cake, that is amazing! My little girl was 5 in December and often talks about how she couldn't do things when she was four but she can do them now she is five- it is really sweet how their little brains work. x
Jenni - Odd Socks and Lollipops says
Awww such lovely photos, I love the Star Wars cake, and what a great way to spend a 5th birthday - it seems the change overnight when they are small doesn't it!
Zena's Suitcase says
Aw, it looks and sounds like she had an amazing birthday. The zoo is a fantastic place for children isn't it
Louise (Squished Blueberries) says
Oh my goodness, I have to show my little girl that cake, she will love it! She's 4 in April and I've already been asked for a star wars party and a 'darth vader helmet cake'. Your little girl has good taste! It looks like she had a wonderful birthday
Emma White says
oh wow looks like she had an amazing day
Renna says
Looks fab. Happy belated birthday to the little miss. Glad she had a lovely busy birthday.