You will be bored of me lamenting on here the fact that my eldest has just turned 8. So instead of wailing and moaning about the speed at which time is passing let me share with you how we celebrated my little girl turning 8!
Her birthday fell on a school day so it didn't feel like we got to celebrate together much. We opened presents and had a croissant and pancake filled breakfast before she went to school. After school she went to dancing where she took birthday cake and celebrated with her friends.
Over the weekend we felt like we celebrated her birthday much more. She had a gorgeous party in a local children's beauty salon where the girls from her class joined her for hair makeovers and having their nails painted and a spot of dancing! They were so lovely and it was lovely to have the girls all together and see her laugh and play with her friends.
We then went into Cardiff to Build a Bear where she picked out a Build a Bear Buddy and some clothes for the bear we got last year and some for the new mini bear. We then went to Starbucks and enjoyed a frappuccino together.
Happy birthday Bean, although time is flying much faster than I like I am so very grateful for the 8 years you have been with us and I am looking forward to many more birthdays to come.
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