It feels like it's been ages since I wrote an update type post on here so that's what I'm doing today - I'm going to tell you all about our Easter holidays!
The school holidays can be hard work with three children, especially now that they are all different ages and have different interests. It can be hard balancing things that they each find fun but I think that I managed it this Easter and we all had a really lovely time. I certainly wasn't counting the days before they went back to school like I do some holidays! Apologies that these pictures aren't styled or pretty, they are just honest, raw photos, most of them taken on my iPhone but they are really important memories of a fabulous time.
We started the holidays by saying goodbye to Rainbows. Little Miss J has been going to Rainbows since she was 5 and Bean went before her too. It feels like we have been going there a long time and we'll really miss it. They were fabulous with both the girls and J in particular will really miss it.
We went on an Easter Egg hunt at school and the youngest two won Easter Eggs for their Easter bonnet creations. There was a lot of chocolate obviously and they still haven't eaten it all! Usually I would give them a helping hand but I'm vegan now so it's still just sat there!
At the start of the holidays I took E for a trip to the shops to spend her birthday money. We had the loveliest day together, having lunch and shopping and she chose some new clothes for herself. It's always nice to have some one to one time with them and she said it was one of her favourite days which made it all worthwhile. It cost me a fortune though!
The Easter weekend we just spent quietly as a family, chilling at home and going for walks. We then spent a lovely day at Bristol Museum for a blog campaign that I was working on.
One of the loveliest things about the holidays was the fact that we got to spend lots of time with Lexi. The children just love her and enjoyed taking her for walks, cuddling her and just playing with her.
We went for some adventures, one of our best days out was to a local outdoors soft play where the children ran around for hours, we had our first glimpse of sunshine and we met a baby bunny called Benjamin! We also had a lovely day out in Cardiff visiting Cardiff Museum and doing a spot of shopping.
We finished off the holiday with a little trip to the Hilton Hotel in Cardiff (blog post coming soon!). It was so nice to have a little luxury trip away, even though we didn't go far it felt like we were on holiday! A little bit of what makes you happy certainly does you good!
So there we have it, Easter is over and we're straight into the summer term of school. It's J's last term in Juniors and E's last term in primary school and Little Boy's last term in nursery, in September he will be full time. It's a busy term which is full of SATs tests and summer plays and lots of memories to be made but once it's over we have the whole summer to look forward to and I can't wait for that!
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