This week I have been quite simply exhausted. I go to bed early, wake up early and still feel tired. I am pretty much useless in the evenings as I am just so worn out. If I even try to watch TV it's guaranteed that I'll fall asleep.
I guess my body is telling me that it's time to slow down, that I've been doing too much (which is true). And this week I have certainly been forced to listen. I am starting to delegate jobs to the hubby and have stopped working in the evenings. In fact I'm going to stop working at the end of this week and just finish up a few projects that I have ongoing and sell off some remaining stock.
I have also been really really hungry! I feel like I could eat constantly but am worried that I am snacking too much and not eating properly or healthily enough.
The heartburn is still going strong and it is getting really uncomfy for me to sleep now. I sleep sitting up on my Theraline pillow and prop my bump up with other pillows!
I'm not due to see the midwife until I am 34 weeks and then I have a consultant appointment at 36 weeks to discuss the birth options. While I like my midwife I feel like I have hardly seen her this pregnancy and I am a little concerned with how tired I am feeling that I might be anaemic but she never phoned me with my 28 week blood results so I presume that I am ok. I have started to take 2 spatone sachets a day now though just in case.
I am starting to put together some stuff for my hospital bag, and buying all the things that I still need. A big shopping trip this weekend with my mother in law and mum looms where I should be picking up all the last bits that I need.
Here is me and the littlest one enjoying the sunshine this weekend - I look huge I know - people keep asking when I am due as if they are expecting me to say soon - they look shocked when I say I've got another 8 weeks left!!
I've linked up this post with Molly at Mother's Always Right...
Hannah says
I nodded my way through your post! I'm 33+3 and absolutely exhausted! My bump seems to have settled to a steady growth now but at 28 weeks I had people commenting that I must be about ready to have the baby *Scowl* xx Thanks for sharing on #BlogBumpClub
Susanne Remic (@Ghostwritermumm) says
Ah what a gorgeous bump! I've been feeling SO tired too, but I am only 16 weeks so I guess we're both at different levels of the exhaustion stage aren't we? Not long for you though!
x x