Wow this is sure to be one of my last updates! On Sunday I turned 37 weeks pregnant - full term whoop whoop! I really really appreciate getting here and it feels like the final milestone in a long long journey.
For me my bump is huge now, I am waddling, my feet are hugely swollen and I am completely shattered. Where I can I now have 2 little naps a day which helps me to feel better but I am really looking forward to the end now and holding my little baby!! It is so close now but still seems quite unreal to me.
The nursery is finished, the hospital bags are packed, I'm batch cooking some meals and freezing them so everything is coming together. The only thing that I don't have is clothes for the little one. Obviously I have lots of girls clothes but no newborn summer clothes and no clothes at all for a boy. I have a few bits of unisex clothes for the first few days but I am desperate to get my credit card out and get internet shopping now!
I have had a couple of hospital appointments to discuss the birth. The baby is now head down and engaged (although how much engaged is in dispute!!) so at first they were very encouraging (read practically forcing me into) a natural labour. After my previous experience I am really frightened of this and of any possible complications. I thought about it for a week and spoke to the anaesthetist who would be performing my spinal block if I needed forceps / ventouse or a c section and he confirmed that due to the problems putting a spinal into me he would prefer to have an experience anaesthetist available and to be doing it in a calm and planned way so we have decided to go for another c section. I am actually really pleased about this - i'm not one of these people who feels like they have failed by not giving birth naturally - as long as my baby is here safe and sound that is all I am worried about.
So until the next update...or if I pop before then here is the view I am rocking for the rest of the week - trying to de-swell these huge cankles!!
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