Well, I'm not one of those people who usually is glad to see the back of a particular year, but this year I really am. I'm just not quite confident that 2023 is going to be better!
This year has been marred for me with health issues, five hospital procedures and investigations and some big family changes and challenges. Unfortunately nothing is at yet resolved so I go into 2023 with trepidation as to what it is going to throw at me.
Christmas 2022 and the whole of December in fact have been overwhelming and stressful. I have never been a huge Christmas fan, and after this year I am even less so. Usually we get a family photo in front of the tree in our Christmas PJs but this year I didn't manage to get the photo - even though I did get the matching PJs! I did manage to get this photo of the four kiddies lined up waiting to see if Santa had been. They look so grown up now!
However, all is not lost, I managed to get this photo of all of us dressed up to take part in the Crib service on Christmas Eve. Hubby took playing the part of Angel Gabriel with good grace!
I am finishing off December 2022 in a bit of a funk but with a renewed sense of optimism that I am going to make some big changes in the new year which I hope will also have a big impact. Who is with me?
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