Well, November flew by in a flash didn't it! I actually can't believe how quickly it went! I think that because I was a little bit in denial about Autumn being here that it feels like actually in the end I've missed it completely!
November has been stressful for our family. I always try to be positive on here and on my social media but honestly sometimes life just gets you down and I feel like it's done exactly that to us recently. Miss J is still having an awful time in school and we have now decided that home schooling is what we are going to have to do for the time being. It's her last day in school on Friday and we are giving her a break and home schooling her until a suitable place comes up in another local school. It's a massive step and to be completely honest, I'm not sure it's the right one but we've explored all other options so we will just have to bite the bullet and see where we end up.
Baby N has also been quite unwell this month. He ended up in hospital one night with dehydration after days of vomiting which wasn't nice and only about a week after that he came down with a cold, the combination of which has made him quite grumpy and put him off his food a lot. It hasn't helped his appetite and he seems really fussy now which isn't fun!
November hasn't been all moans though - we did manage to celebrate Baby N's Christening last weekend. Unlike with the other children we just had a baptism within the morning service which was lovely as it meant that all the congregation and our church family were there. This is where I took this month's family photo so it's a really special one.
Can you believe that next month's photo will be a Christmas themed one! I feel like this is the quickest year ever, it has flown by. It's hard to imagine that this time last year I was still pregnant with Baby N. Have an amazing December everyone!
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