By rights this of course should be a pumpkin or Halloween themed photo - but as I'm writing this it's the 29th October and we haven't visited a pumpkin patch or even worked out what we are wearing for Halloween yet!

I'm not sure why life seems so busy lately, but I am just craving a nice quiet week off (our half term is a week 'late' here in Wales) and of course we are mindful of not wasting money so we are being careful not to waste money where we don't need to.
At the beginning of October our friends invited us to stay with them in a cottage that they had rented in the Forest of Dean. Not one to turn down a free holiday off we went and we had such a lovely weekend. We went for walks together and chilled out in the hot tub. It was the perfect weekend break and I think we should do more of them! This first photo was taken at The Forest of Dean Sculpture Trail which is a great free day out. Unfortunately due to my ongoing back pain we only managed to see two sculptures! Hopefully we'll return again another day!
This next photo was taken at Goodrich Castle which is a fabulous castle and free to enter for English Heritage or Cadw members. We stopped for a slice of cake and a drink in the cafe which has outdoor seating.
So October has been crazy busy, and I'm sure November and December holds much more of the same - I guess I wouldn't want it any other way though!
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