All You Need To Know About Mesothelioma Recovery
Mesothelioma recovery can be quite challenging and time consuming often requiring patience and perseverance to make your treatment more effective. With a regular mesothelioma, recovery is cushy and less daunting but with more aggressive, surgery-based treatment like extrapleural pneumonectomy (EPP) and pleurectomy and decortication (P/D), you may have to go through a more rigorous and difficult recovery period. Most of the gritty aspects of the recuperation can be overcome if you are strong and determined to get back to your regular, healthier life routine. Consider this as a chance to enhance your life, step up your general wellness and get closer to your loved ones, like your family & friends.
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Recovery Timeline & Essentials
Hire a good local lawyer like Chris Placitella, if you're based in New Jersey to file your claim. To go through the treatment process, you'll need to brace yourself for the recovery part. Based on the treatment, the recovery time can range anywhere from one month to a year. It’s a good idea to discuss the treatment option as well as the recovery procedure with your healthcare expert. Treatments like radiation therapy and Chemotherapy can be stressful, causing fatigue and other unwanted side effects. However, if you manage this phase well, it should not affect your regular routine.
What To Expect?
If your doctor has suggested tumor-removing surgery, prepare yourself for a 2-week stay at the clinic followed by a less-intense 8 to 12 month long recovery process. The efficacy of your cancer recovery largely depends on the treatment plan, your cancer stage and how well you respond to the recuperation process.
Day 1: Once your major surgery is complete, you'll be given hydrating liquids and painkillers through tubes that might be a bit discomforting which is common after such a surgery. You may also have to wear an Oxygen mask for proper breathing but it’s suggested that you do not panic at this stage and let the healthcare experts work with you to make the most of your treatment including devising a nice pain relief plan.
Week 1: Most patients, especially Pleural mesothelioma affectees, can resume eating on their own after 1-2 days but it may take a few more days for Peritoneal mesothelioma patients to get back to their regular meal routine. You will be working with a healthcare expert who will teach you deep breathing techniques and light exercises including brisk walk. You'll be able to take a shower once your incisions are fully healed.
Week 2: You can return home after a week or two from the clinic. This is the most important recovery stage where you need to avoid physical activities for a few weeks and take care with your drainage tubes which will be removed during the early stage of week 2.
Week 3: With the stitches removed and drainage tubes cleared, you'll feel more comfortable but a bit tired. Take care not to stress about property savings and frayed relationships during this time. Focus on your recovery and steer clear of anxiety, stress and strenuous work. You'll have to maintain a light workout plan along with breathing exercises as suggested by the doctor.
Week 4-8: Your normal stamina and energy levels will resume within 6-8 weeks of recovery and you'll feel comfortable and stronger with each passing day. Avoid lifting any heavy things or exhaustive physical activities during this time. You should be able to resume office after the 6th week if all goes well. Check with your doctor, get rest and avoid any fatigue to achieve better results.
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