I am so behind! I'm posting April's photo when I need to be thinking about taking May's! Apologies for that! Work on the house and general life has been quite overwhelming lately!
So this photo is technically taken in May but we'll ignore that little fact! Last weekend we took a trip to find some bluebells to practice the photography tips I picked up on a photography course I went on recently (again, something I need to blog about!).
We spent a really lovely, fun hour in the woods looking for bluebells and just chilled out after I had spent most of the day working.
Our little family has had a busy couple of months but we are hanging on in there. I'm really proud of the girls and how they have adapted so well to the house renovations, changing which rooms they are sleeping in as their bedrooms get redecorated. They are also both doing so well at school which is lovely.
Baby S is much less of a baby now. He is a real toddler boy and he is such a character! He is starting nursery soon so I have more time to work and to help him socialise with other children his age. It really feels like our little family is growing up.
Rachelswirl says
Cute pic