Spring seemed late to arrive in March, and we were all desperately waiting for it! Sure enough though Daffodils started to appear and I filled the house with them to brighten up the days!
I love daffodils and being in Wales I thought it would be nice to take some pretty photos surrounded by daffodils. So I looked up wild daffodil fields and dragged my ever-patient little family off for a photo shoot!
As always it's practically impossible to take decent photos of the three of them and Little Boy would not be separated from his Daddy but I did get a couple of decent ones which you can see on my Instagram page.
Of course I wasn't sensible and didn't bring the tripod and with nowhere suitable to balance my big camera we had to opt for a trusty selfie to take our March family photo. Luckily I have just upgraded my phone to an iPhone 7 and the camera quality is really good.
So here's us in March!
Our March was cold and stressful and I'm hoping for a calmer, warmer April!
Jane Daniel says
Fabulous photo. Isn't it great to get back out doors & not have a hundred layers on. We've had a llovely day here in South Lancashire, so even managed to have all the windows open for the first time this year.
RachelSwirl says
Oh such a lovely photo of you all, fab lighting too!
Jenny @ Let's Talk Mommy says
What fab family photo and the light is gorgeous. It's been so nice in March may it long continue for us all. #meandmineproject
here says
wow, impressive photo quality. keep going in the same way!
We Made This Life says
Thank you!