When I had my eldest daughter it was a huge shock to the system. Not only did I have a tiny human to look after but I was completely removed from my old life and friends. I was the first of my friends to have a baby and I missed socialising with my friends in the office and after work. I basically spent the first year of my daughter's life with her, alone, with no adult company. I'd pop in at lunchtimes occasionally to see my old colleagues but it wasn't the same.
When she was about a year old I realised that this was silly and something had to change. I went out and found myself some new mum friends and honestly I have never looked back. It's great to be able to chat with people in the same situation as you and it's great for your babies to socialise too. I still keep in touch with my old work colleagues of course and many of them have gone on to have children of their own which is great.
I know that a lot of people feel the same when they first become mums so I thought that I would share some tips on how to make new mum friends.
Use social media
Since I became a mum for the first time 11 years ago social media has taken off. You'll find lots of events for mums on social media sites and there are even apps now to help you make friends and meet people like the Pal app. You can use apps like Pal to search for people with similar interests in your area and create and view events too.
Pal is great to find other mums or mums to be, join or create mum meet ups and is a great tool for helping you to socialise with other mums. If you start by finding other new mums in your area on Pal, you could always arrange to meet them at the following places to help ease your anxiety about going alone.
Go to baby groups
I know it's really daunting to head into a room full of people you don't know. But honestly, every single person in there was new once. Put on a brave face, smile at everyone and get chatting. If you make one new friend you're away and you'll have someone to meet up with next time.
Sign up to an activity class
These groups are a brilliant way to meet new mums. Usually all the children booked onto these classes will be the same age, everyone will be new and you'll have a structured activity to keep you busy so you won't feel so alone. The same mums are usually there every week too so it's easy to build up a good relationship.
Get outside
I always find someone to chat to when I'm taking the children to the park or playground. Make conversation with the mum next to you at the swings and you'll never know where things might go.
You can download the Pal app for the iPhone here and for Android here. Enjoy meeting up with new mumsโฆ..
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