If you are currently quarantining or at least staying inside much more than usual, you may be dealing with a certain level of stress. And, while it is perfectly normal and understandable to be feeling extra stressed out at this time, there may be healthy ways that you can help deal with and reduce your stress levels. Below, we will cover how to stay sane during quarantine.
Stay in touch with your friends and family
If you are currently feeling isolated, bored, or lacking in general contact with others, many of your friends and family are also likely feeling the same way.
Help boost your mood and connect with friends and family regularly in safe and easy ways like video chats, phone calls, or playing games together online. If it is allowed in your area, schedule outside meet ups where you can social distance and enjoy the outdoors while catching up. You never know, your friends might also have some tips on how to stay sane during covid!
Exercise regularly
Exercise isn’t just great for your body, it can help calm your mind and reduce your overall stress levels.
Aim for 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. To get the stress-relieving benefits you don’t necessarily need to start running marathons, just a few laps around the block after dinner can be enough to put you in a better mood and moderate your stress levels.
Eat healthy well-balanced meals
Eating healthy and nutritious meals can help keep your stress levels in check. Skipping meals or only munching on junk food can make your blood sugar erratic and lead to mood swings. Helping your body feel good and nourished is a good way for your mood to also stay more positive and is how to stay sane during quarantine.
Pick up plenty of fruits and vegetables, and try to prepare healthy meals at home more often than not.
Get adequate sleep
Getting the proper amount of sleep is necessary for mental and physical health.
Stress can make you feel wired, but exhausted, or make you feel like you can sleep all day -- and both of these things are not good for your mental state.
Plan out 7-8 hours of sleep a night and try to stick to this schedule every day.
Get outside on occasion
Getting out into the sunshine can be good for your vitamin D levels, your physical health, and your overall mood.
Take your exercise outside to get a workout in while enjoying the outdoors and reducing your stress levels.
If your home has an outdoor area like a backyard or porch, take a few minutes a day to sit outside and relax.
Keep a regular schedule
Even if you are working at home for the first time, or your usual morning activities are not occurring anymore, it is still important to follow a regular sleep and meal schedule.
Keeping a schedule will help you maintain a sense of normalcy in your day and may help you from feeling overly stressed from the lack of structure.
This will help keep you motivated and on track as well, keeping deadlines and goals from lapsing or pilling up.
Meditate or perform deep breathing exercises
Meditation, deep breathing, or just some light stretching exercises can work wonders for relieving stress and making you feel better and is definitely one way how to stay sane during quarantine.
These activities can help you break out of a worry cycle and help you focus on yourself and the present moment for a little while.
Take a step back from the news occasionally
Staying informed about the daily happenings in the world is important, but constantly scrolling through social media, news sources, or watching the news can put you in a state of panic.
Plan out a few times a day to see what’s going on, and then unplug and live your life in the interim.
Much of the bad news in the world may be out of your control, and constantly surrounding yourself with it may bring about feelings of stress and anxiety.
Integrate some of your favourite hobbies into your day
Making sure that you are doing activities that you love regularly can help you get through quarantine easier and without too much stress.
Take up old favourite hobbies that you maybe didn’t have enough time to enjoy in the past like painting, cooking, running, baking, yoga -- whatever does the trick for you and keeps you staying sane while isolating.
Get medical care when you need it
Even if you are supposed to stay home as much as possible right now, it is still considered important and necessary to get needed medical care.
Depending on your area, take the time to get regular follow-ups, talk to your doctor about mental health concerns, or get preventative measures taken care of. If you are suffering from mental health issues, seeing or speaking with a medical professional is certainly how to stay sane during lockdown.
Or, look online to find telehealth companies that can connect you with a doctor virtually and get you any necessary treatments without even having to leave your home.
Taking care of your health regularly will help you reduce the stress and worry that a little health issue will become something more dangerous or worrisome.
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