Photo by Alexandr Podvalny from Pexels
One of the most important things you can teach your children is to be environmentally friendly. In a world where climate change and environmental destruction are real problems, it's crucial that we all have this mindset from an early age.
Children should learn about recycling, water conservation, and food waste reduction among other types of sustainability. Here are some of the best ways to help them become conscious about the environment.
Give Your Child Practical Examples
For example, ask your child poignant questions such as did you know that every time we wash clothes in a washing machine or take a shower, the water goes down the drain? DO your research and tell them how the water gets clean again.
Teach kids things that they can do things such as:
- Turn off lights when they're not using them
- Turn off the water while brushing teeth
- Carry reusable water bottles
- Keep electronics turned on only as needed
By doing practical things kids will learn how to sustain the environment. The more they do these things the more natural it will become and you will no longer need to give reminders.
Introduce Them to Eco-friendly Celebrities
One way for children to learn more about being environmentally friendly is by learning from others who are doing it too. There are many famous people out there who have taken on some pretty impressive eco-friendly behaviors as their own personal lifestyle.
The Effects of Pollution on People and Wildlife
In order to teach your child how important it is for them to help keep our environment clean, you should share with them what happens when we don't take care of things like recycling or garbage disposal properly.
Share examples that show just how much more difficult life can be without a healthy planet: Maybe they will realize why taking small steps towards eco-friendly behavior could make such a difference in their lives later down the road!
Encourage Children to Take on Eco-friendly Habits
Rather than telling your child what they should and shouldn't do, show them how much fun it can be by modeling some of these behaviors yourself!
You could also plant a tree together or plant one with the help of an organization such as Ellers Farms Distillery. Volunteer at the local recycling center for an afternoon. The possibilities are endless!
Carry On the Legacy
When you teach kids how to protect the environment you are protecting the future of the planet. The best thing you can do is to show your kids what to do by modeling it as well as teaching it. In this way, you can help to secure their future on this planet.
Kids tend to like eco-friendly activities once they catch on and fully understand why they need to do it. No matter how young your child is you can start making them conscious of the environment today.
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