I love the Easter holidays. It's a whole two weeks we get to spend together as a family, and we love spending some of that time doing Easter crafts together. I thought I would put together a post full of personalised Easter craft ideas that you and you family can enjoy together.
Personalised T-shirts
I love matching t-shirts and I can do matching T-shirts for any occasion! You can design your own t-shirts using an easter svg found online - Design Bundles has some great bundles of Easter designs. You can get T-shirts printed for the whole family. These will look great in a group photo to commemorate the holidays and you can get them out every year! You can personalise them with names too, everyone will love having their own t-shirt and being part of your Easter family team!
Create Medals For Sports
I am really keen to get my children out and about and keeping active, especially while we are still in lockdown. Over the Easter holidays you could plan some sports activities and craft some medals to give out once they complete them. You can make these to your own design out of cardboard and colouring pens or pencils or you can print them using a ribbon svg template online. These ones shown are from Design Bundles and they have lots of options available. Your little ones will not only love making the medals but they will love earning them and getting some exercise at the same time.
Decorate Mugs
I am a firm believer in having a mug for every occasion and Easter is no different! Decorating mugs is a great family activity. You will just need some blank mugs and special porcelain pens and just your imagination and creativity! You can keep the pens to use to decorate mugs for other occasions too. These mugs also make great gifts at Easter time. Decorate them with bunnies, chicks, colourful eggs or you could even write a religious quote.
Easter baskets
One of the main events of Easter is the big Easter egg hunt of course! Why not make an easter basket with your little ones and personalise it with whichever colours they choose and their name so they don't get it mixed up with someone else's. There are lots of great tutorials online and here are some that we have made before.
How To Make An Easy Easter Basket
Create a Card
Cards are always such a lovely thing to make. Especially at this time, receiving a handmade card from someone special is such a lovely surprise, it does someone the world of good to let them know that you are thinking about them and care enough to make a card to tell them. Your little ones will love making cards too. You can print out templates for them to colour, do stamping, paint a picture or follow one of the many great tutorials online. Red Ted Art has some great tutorials you could follow.
I hope that you found this post on personalised Easter craft ideas useful. Share it with your friends and Pin it for later.
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