Struggling to sleep at night? 4 ways to get better sleep
Parenthood and a good night’s sleep aren’t usually two things that go together. Most parents can’t remember the last time they had quality sleep that left them feeling refreshed and ready to take on whatever their children can throw at them! But it’s not just parents who struggle to sleep well; if you’re worrying about things or anxious then it can dramatically effect your sleeping pattern, as can money worries, debt problems, relationship issues, worries about family - the list of causes for disrupted sleep is endless (if debt problems are keeping you awake at night then check out this website).
So, what can you do to improve the quality of your sleep? Well, I’ve come up with 4 ways for you to get better sleep, give them a try!
Optimise your bedroom for sleep
A lot more than just sleep happens in the bedroom. But, if you want to improve the sleep you’re getting then it’s a good place to start. Having somewhere that is completely dedicated to rest and relaxation, that is calm and quiet can really help your body and mind to recognise that it’s time to get some sleep. Start by removing all the clutter and give everything a good clean. Open the windows and get some fresh air in, change the bed sheets, add some gentle lighting like table lamps rather than an overhead light and remove anything that doesn’t belong. Piles of laundry, your laptop/printer – find new homes for them!
Switch off
Easier said than done, I know. But our dependence on smart devices and our habit of staring into screens for hours at a time can have a negative effect on our sleep. Blue light that is emitted from screens can trick the brain into believing that it is daytime. So that hour you spend scrolling through social media whilst you’re in bed could be setting you up for a bad nights sleep. Instead, try to reduce your screen time as the day goes on and opt for 2 hours pre-bedtime of no screen time at all. Alternatively, try some blue blocking glasses from your optician.
Get some exercise
Possibly the most unwelcome piece of advice if you’re already tired. But incorporating exercise into your daily routine not only has obvious health benefits but it will improve the quality of your sleep. So, try a long walk at lunch time, or hit the gym, you could even try a couple of workouts at home!
Beware of caffeine
We all like a hot cup of coffee or tea on a morning. It sets us up for the day and gives us a much needed boost of energy. However, be wary of caffeine as the day rolls on. And avoid it from around 3pm onwards. Caffeine stays in your system for hours, and it doesn’t allow your body to naturally relax as it stimulates the nervous system. So, opt for warm milky drinks or try a decaf option if you want to ease yourself off it gently.
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