Trying to conceive a baby can put a strain on the strongest of relationships. That is why it is really important to keep the lines of communication open between you and your partner at this time. We all experience emotions differently, and arguments are likely to occur if you aren't open with each other. Here are some tips for keeping communication open with your partner when you are trying for a baby.
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Our first child was a very welcome surprise so we found it very difficult when we struggled to conceive our next child. We suffered a miscarriage and months of infertility but were eventually blessed with our second daughter. I am all too aware though that this is an easy road compared to what many couples have to go through. I know that my feelings about the miscarriage were different from my husband's and I definitely felt more stressed about trying to conceive and pregnancy after that. It was important that we talked to each other - so that he knew how I was feeling and how he could best support me, and vice versa too.
Proxeed makes fertility supplements for men and women and they have a new campaign which raises awareness of the difficulties of trying to conceive and how to overcome them. They highlight some of the issues that arise as a result of this stressful time and some tips for getting through it.
Talk about your worries with your partner
Your partner can never know what you are feeling unless you tell them - keep the lines of communication open, they might be feeling exactly the same which will help you to feel less alone. If you don't have the same opinion on something try to see the situation from their point of view, it might help you to understand and work through your differences.
Make a plan
It will help if you and your partner are on the same page and putting together a flexible plan will help to keep you both on track. Decide how long you want to try 'naturally' before talking to a doctor. Work out a financial budget for if you need fertility treatment and start saving. Also plan some healthy lifestyle changes if you need to - focus on drinking more water, eating whole foods with plenty of fruit and vegetables and cutting down on alcohol and caffeine. It is also important to take supplements if needed such as folic acid.
Stay busy during the two week wait
The two week wait was the worst for me. If it is the same for you, let your partner know how you are feeling and plan some distractions to make the days go faster - focus on finishing a list of books, a box set, go for walks to explore new places or watch a few films in the cinema - anything that will keep you busy and take your mind off the wait!
Take the focus off sex for conception
It is easy to get carried away with tracking fertile windows and having sex to a schedule but try to keep sex spontaneous too - keep it fun!
I hope that you found these tips useful and that you can use them to improve communication with your partner and get through the stress of fertility issues as smoothly as possible. Share this post with your friends and don't forget to also save it to Pinterest...
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