Top Tips For Family Road Trips
A road trip is one of my most favourite things to do. I just love bundling everyone into the car and going off on an adventure. One of the best gifts that I can give my children is to see more of our country and wider than that, the world. So, for the foreseeable future, we'll be bundling up for road trips whenever we can! Having the whole family in the car can be a challenge, but it is worth it. So I thought I would share my top tips for family road trips to help yours go a little more smoothly.
Travel in comfort
It's helpful if you have a comfortable vehicle to travel in. If your own car isn't up for a long journey you could always rent one or borrow a friend's. Just make sure that you have the correct insurance. You can get different policies to cover you, you can even purchase 1 day car insurance if that's all you need.
Pack the car full of snacks, a change of clothes for everyone and coats and wellies if you will need them. If you are going a really long distance consider pillows for the children and don't forget to take something that will entertain them like books, stickers, colouring and an iPad or two!
Plan your route
Make sure that you know where you are going. Set a sat-nav, print your route or take a map, anything just as long as you won't get lost! Have a think about good points along the way for you to stop for toilet breaks and to get the children to stretch their legs. We like to stop for a bite to eat along the way too.
Play games along the way
It's difficult to keep children entertained sometimes on a long journey so make sure that you take things to keep them entertained. You can also play games along the way. Try hide and seek, playing times tables or counting different coloured cars. We also like listening to audiobooks and are currently working our way through the Harry Potter series.
Take it in turns to drive
Make sure that you don't get tired, especially when you have precious cargo on board. If you can travel with someone you can share the driving with that will be great to alleviate the pressure and make sure that you don't get too bored doing all the driving.
Take Detours Along The Way!
Your destination doesn’t have to be the end goal, of course. Along the way, you could find some wonderful, new, and fresh activities that perhaps you have never tried before. The whole idea of a trip is to enjoy yourself and experience all kinds of things before you head back to normal life. There may be all kinds of amenities during the trip that you could miss out on if you don’t look closely. You might see 10 Places to Go Pumpkin Picking in Norfolk or you could stop off at some legendary landmarks. Just make sure everyone is keen on the ideas – if everyone is happy to do it, then it’s a real no-brainer!
Have fun!
Enjoy the adventure of going somewhere new. Make the most of the chance to talk to your children about where you are going and what you are doing. Use the trip as a learning experience but also the chance to spend precious time together as a family, chill out, laugh and have a brilliant time. Do check out some other bloggers posts too for more tips to make your road trip perfect.
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