I feel like 2020 was such a crazy year, it doesn't even seem real. It doesn't even really feel like it's a new year - in fact I had to erase the title of this post as I originally put 2020!
I'll be honest, I've found this January quite difficult. We've struggled to get in a home school routine that incorporates the new online learning. The girls were really unhappy to not be going back to school and the weather is just grim and cold and it makes it harder work to get out of the house to exercise. I also think the never ending nature of our situation is what is making it so difficult too, we have no idea when we are going to be able to live life normally again.

This photo was taken on my birthday in the middle of January. It was a strange old birthday in lockdown but we managed to have such a lovely day. A daily walk and lots of treats and at the end of the day there is no one I'd rather spend the day with than my little family.
The funny story about this photo is that we had originally faced the other way to take a picture - with our faces to the sun - this photo makes me laugh so much! There is so much love in this little rectangle, and every day, without fail we manage to have fun. I couldn't have got through this pandemic without them.
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