It's been a bit of a funny week this week. The baby has gone from kicking a fair bit to being a little bit quieter which has worried me somewhat. I am very aware of the 'count the kicks' thing but I think it is too early for that yet. But I felt a whole lot better yesterday as baby was kicking up a storm again. I think it may have changed positions (maybe to sideways) so I wasn't feeling it so much. I'll definitely be keeping a note of movements still though.
My bump is now officially huge! With that and the nicer weather everyone has noticed that I am expecting! I have also had a little round ligament pain but the SPD symptoms don't seem to be getting any worse which is good, and I walked around a LOT yesterday.
I am feeling much less sick and much more hungry! I am trying to be good, but I am eating little and often I would say. I have put on 10lb so far so not bad for this stage but my arms are looking a little chubby and that's not baby weight so I better start doing some arm exercises!!
I have started to get out some things like the old travel system and have given it a good clean. I was going to sell it to buy a double pushchair as Jelly Baby is so lazy but now I am not so sure - it is a lovely system it seems a shame to let it go. In the next few weeks I'll be sorting through the little clothes we have from the girls - they were both surprises so we have some gender neutral stuff that should last us until I can get shopping after the birth!
This is how huge I am this week...hard to believe there is a lot more growing to do yet!
Kim Carberry says
Sounds like everything is going great!!
Steph @ Pretty Unexpected says
I'm at 29 weeks now (this is my first pregnancy) and I know what you mean about worrying about kicks. The other day, the baby was a bit less active - most days I get phases where he'll be kicking like crazy, and for that one day, although there was still movement, it was much more subdued. It doesn't take much for me to start imagining the worst, but thankfully after that day the kicks went back to normal, so I think everything's okay. Maybe he was just having a lazy day or something...
Anyway, great blog - it's worrying how addictive pregnancy blogs can be!
cookiesandcwtches says
I find pregnancy so worrying and stressful! Glad your little one was back to kicking away like normal! I think mine is quieter when I am busy - which seems to be all the time! Hope your pregnancy continues well 🙂