I love making new year's resolutions, there is something cathartic about thinking about your goals for the upcoming year - I find it really motivating. I've had a little look back on last year's resolutions and it's so lovely to see that I managed a few of them - and best out of all of them of course is the fact that we are expecting a baby this year! Looking back I don't think it was until I wrote those resolutions that I realised how much I wanted another baby.
Work wise, my resolutions from last year have fallen a bit flat, although I consider that I have had a successful year, my stats just haven't reached the levels that I wanted them to. Something to work more on this year I guess, even though I'm sure the new baby will take some of my time away from work!
House wise I think we ticked everything off the list, just in the nick of time! We have had the front garden landscaped and I'm really happy with everything, I'm hoping for a year off doing work to the house this year!
So as far as resolutions go for the next year, I can't say that I really have any. I want to enjoy the year settling in together as a family of six, worry less and do less too! I think I deserve a quieter year and I'm not going to worry too much about goals or milestones and just spend some wonderful times with my family. We are looking forward to a special holiday in the summer and I'm going to plan another trip for next year but otherwise we will probably just make another couple of UK breaks.
I do also want to make some changes to my health and diet next year. I will have some baby weight to lose and I've struggled so much with this pregnancy that my fitness is at an all time low. I'd also like to go back to a vegan diet which I have dropped since getting pregnant too.
I think if I just look back on this post next year and we have had a happy and relaxed year I will be more than content. Aspiring to the simpler things in life is my goal for 2019!
Do you make new year's resolutions? I'd love to hear them if you do.
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