Top Tips For A Clean Home
It's Spring time which means one thing in our house - spring clean time! I love giving every room a really deep clean at this time of year and the aim is to keep the house in a clean state moving forward. I thought I would share some of my top tips for a clean home with you.
The first thing you need if you want to keep a clean home is to have a cleaning routine. Once every room is thoroughly cleaned you don't want it to get really messy again so having a cleaning routine that you stick to every day or week will really help you to keep on top of things.
Cleaning equipment
An arsenal of cleaning prowess to hand will make sure that you get the job done. Put together a little caddy of the things that you regularly use and that you can take around the house with you. You can use shop bought cleaners or make more natural options yourself. Team this with an array of different cloths that you are able to wash regularly.
Hoover carpets regularly and make sure that shoes aren't worn inside. For a really clean floor consider having hard wood flooring instead of carpets. These are easier to clean and can be disinfected if necessary. You can get some really beautiful laminate flooring which doesn't need to cost a lot and would make a big difference to the cleanliest levels in your home.
Involve the whole family
Make sure that you aren't taking on all the cleaning responsibility yourself. If your children and partner are responsible for some cleaning and tidying too it will lessen the load for yourself and also should help them learn to keep things clean and tidy as they go. Teaching your children how to clean and tidy and giving them some basic household tasks will really help their development and give them some lifelong skills.
Get help
If you are struggling to keep on top of the housework and you can afford it consider getting in some help. Having a cleaner in once a week or even once a month could make all the difference in helping you to keep a really clean home.
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